
compEting         teams
Submission   Form

This is for competitors...

Each prize will be awarded to the top performer in each category per benchmarks set by the prize sponsor/architect.

If interested please fill out the form below, competition resources will be sent to the email provided.

If you have any questions please reach out to competition@zprize.io.

Which Prize are you interested in competing for *

You can pick more than 1.

Name *


Contact Email *

Github Handle *

Discord Handle *

Twitter Handle

Anything you’d like to highlight


I/we hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge.

I/we understand that any false information will lead to disqualification from the competition.I/we agree to abide by the competition rules and regulations as provided by ZPrize.
By submitting this application, I/we acknowledge that all solutions and code produced as part of this competition will be open-sourced for the benefit of the wider community.
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